Saturday, November 15, 2008

Regarding FREUD..

I nearly typed "Regarding FRAUD" - now that would have been a Freudian slip! LOL ... just a little psych humor there for you. Anyway, in my undergraduate days I was quite interested in Freud. He was an interesting figure in Psychology. However, when you consider these facts, it is hard to really lend much credibility to his "theories."

Freud became heavily addicted to both cigars and cocaine. He is reported to have smoked dozens of cigars a day! And regularly experimented with and abused cocaine. In fact, he even prescribed cocaine to his patients in what we might deem in today's world as a clinical trial. Unfortunately, many of Freud's patients like him became addicted to and dependent upon cocaine. In some instances, clients were coming to see Freud regularly to simply get their cocaine fix. A sad commentary on the early days of psychology f0r sure.

Freud also attempted to generalize about human behavior based on a handful of case studies of his troubled and in some cases cocaine-addicted clients. Of course now we know you can not effectively generalize to a population based on a handful of case studies, particularly those that are not an actual representation of society.

Freud was a good storyteller and he certainly had an active imagination, but a scientist he was not. In the end, Freud took his own life in what we would deem today to be euthanasia due to the pain he experienced from cancer of the jaw which he got from his addictions to cigars.

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